From Sickness to Health
Characters “Health” and “Sickness” educating you
The Television Show
From Sickness to Health is a program like no other. The Beehive has teamed up with 3ABN and Dare to Dream Network (D2D) to provide a new dimension to the health debate from the perspective of “Sickness.” Have you ever watched a health program and found it to be one-sided? The experts in health typically address health concerns in a matter-of-fact way that informs the audience, but rarely address what everyone in the audience is really thinking – “but fried chicken and a little chocolate cake are SO delicious!” Knowing that audiences may nod with the health experts, but make the opposite point in the minds. When audiences hear the perspective of “Sickness”, they can get answers without feeling embarrassed and obtain a good laugh at the expense of “Sickness”.
With 2 seasons already filmed and more in the works, From Sickness to Health is an informative yet comedic approach to healthy living. The program is geared for all types of people to empower individuals with knowledge on health and educate them on how to make those healthy choices.
The Community Seminar
The Beehive has reimagined the television program From Sickness to Health (FSTH), as an evangelism tool and has developed it into a five-day seminar. The emphasis of the FSTH seminar is to facilitate church member participation when reaching out to those that are the most difficult to reach – atheists, millennials, and those that have no religious affiliation. Those who sign up for this seminar are known as “cast members” because they are taking part of the greatest act of their lives – transitioning from sickness to health.
These seminars facilitate genuine life changes by building on the National Geographic’s Blue Zone studies. Though there are five communities in total where people are living the longest, we focus on the one in North America which transcends cultural, economical, and ethnic barriers. The principles of THE NEW LIFE presented during this seminar are based on the habits of these longest living Americans. By using scientific studies and up-to-date news and research, participants are convinced of the soundness of these age old health habits. Those who begin to writes these health giving habits onto the blank pages of their NEW LIFE story, will see that God has always been ten steps ahead of modern science.